Thinking of buying a business property or refinancing a current commercial mortgage? Try our Commercial Mortgage Calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payment, loan and deposit amounts and other business details below. This provides an estimated loan summary giving you a framework for repayment to start building your business today. This provides not only a framework for repayment, but assesses your overall credit eligibility, indicating the amount your business can borrow in the first place, so you don’t get into an unmanageable financial situation.
Disclaimer: The suggestions contained in our calculator findings are based on the information you provided, and are meant for informational purposes only. Please note that any projections or amounts contained in the findings are not intended to be exact. These figures, especially the projections, are assumed figures and should only be used as guidelines, given general assumptions. Under no circumstances are projections guaranteed. If you have any questions about this information or require additional assistance, please consult with one of our financial representatives.