Tech Hub Islands Summit

Republic Bank and AMCHAM T&T presents Tech Hub Islands Summit 2022 (T.H.I.S.)

The Premier Technology Conference From July 6th - 8th 2022

Republic Bank is proud to once more be the title sponsor of AMCHAM’s Tech Hub Islands Summit (T.H.I.S.). T.H.I.S will be hosted over three (3) interactive days from July 6th to 8th in a hybrid format consisting of:

  • In-person segment to be held at the Hyatt Regency
  • Virtual segment available for streaming via our virtual platform at

Featured Topics Include:

Change in action
The New World
Can You Handle It? – Digital Intensity
Can You Handle It? – Digital Intensity
FinTech – Nuff Said
FinTech – Nuff Said
Attractive Shores
Digital Transformation of Government

Technological Solutions are often considered a way to improve business processes and customer experience, yet many businesses continue to operate in analogue. During our T.H.I.S. 2022 Conference, themed Change In Action, you can learn from the stories of entrepreneurs who adopted technology to improve their business operations.

For three (3) days, we’ll cover the process, challenges, benefits, and pain points of implementing tech-solutions into a business model and how you can take the step toward digital transformation.

Take a closer look at what T.H.I.S. is all about:

At T.H.I.S. 2022, we will analyze where we are right now in our digital transformation journey, where we should be heading, and the steps we need to take now to ensure that we get there and move beyond!

WIN A T.H.I.S. 2022 Ticket!

Enter today for a chance to WIN one of fifteen (15) virtual conference tickets!
Simply fill out the form and answer the questions below to qualify, it’s that easy!

Visit Our Booth For More Business Building Opportunities!

Our Republic Bank team will surely see you there!
Visit Our Booth At The Conference For The Chance To Win Prizes And To Enjoy Exclusive Offers!

  • Surprise EndCash prizes
  • Get going with eCommerce, sign up for EPay for free (Your signup fee is on us!)

T&T’s First

Digital Wallet

Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to join T&T’s Premier Technology Conference

Meet The Speakers

Join the dynamic line-up of speakers as they explore both public and private sector innovation and the accelerated urgency to adapt to the changing circumstances and needs.